Professional Babe


Další povídání o Andromedě. Snad jen, že Lexa nemá problém se na scéně odhalit a ani se striptýzem by problém neměla (Lexa si už striptérku zahrála v jednom filmu), ale filmové společnosti platí dost peněz, tak proč se předvádět někde v baru...


Zdroj: Front Magazine
Autor: Mark Sylvester

It was 10 am when we tracked Lexa down at her apartment in Toronto, fresh from the shower, and looking quite a lot like the pictures we've spread across these pages for your delectation. And they call this work.

Come on, Lexa, was there any hanky-panky with the boys in the show?

Nah, they're like brothers. Both guys are cute, but it would feel like incest.

Does that mean you're not interested in getting a bit of sex into the show?

Not at all. I was actually a bit disappointed about the amount of sex in the show. I think Backus should get out a bit more, get a relationship, perhaps make her a lesbian.

A quite brilliant idea. But let's not lose sight of the fact that you are obviously very sexy on screen.

Thanks. I started off as a bit of a trouser girl, then one of the investors in the show came along and said that you don't often see Lexa in a dress ~ next week I'm in a dress. Then another said, 'We don't see much of Lexa in a mini-skirt' so I'm in a mini-skirt. I'm just waiting for an investor to say that we don't see much of Lexa's butt in the shower!

Perhaps that's something for the second series?

That'd be great. I'd love to go back to London, too. When I got chosen for the show I had to pack my life up in five days and move. It was pretty trippy at first, but while I really loved London. Except for those members-only clubs. What's that all about?

Couldn't you have employed some of your martial acts skills to get in?

To be honest I didn't get that far with the martial arts thing. My boyfriend at the time was a black belt at karate and tried to help me out. But as soon as he started I got scared and ended up cowering in the corner.

Aha! You say 'boyfriend at the time' - does that mean you're now on your own? Did you dump him because you fell for the British guys?

I'm single, yeah. We'd been together a long time, and coming to London sort of opened my eyes to the world. I didn't really have time for British men, though. Perhaps next time.

Hmm. What else did you enjoy about the role?

C'mon man, it's a dream part - running around with guns, being an agent. I was always a bit of a tomboy, but when we played cowboys and indians as kids I was always the victim who had to be tied up.

Sounds a tad kinky. In the show do you get the chance to be an action girl?

I do a bit, defusing bombs and things, but a lot of my job is supporting the boys. To be honest, Backus is a bit anal. She wants to do everything by the book. She keeps nit-picking about the rules. That's not me. I like breaking the rules.

The show is going to launch you as a sex symbol - how d'you feel about that?

That's cool. I'm used to going to costume departments and finding the clothes I'm meant to be wearing are skimpier than I thought. The fact is, I know this is all going to go to pot one day, so I don't have any issues with my body and nudity.

So you'd happily get your kit off if the role demanded it?

I have. I did a film called No Alibi, with Dean Cain from The New Adventures of Superman. There was a bit of sex in the bathroom, and beforehand we got rat-arsed on champagne. The most difficult thing is when you're trying to get into the mood and you have directors going, 'Can you just move your arm across your nipple there?'

Any other interesting roles you'd like to tell us about?

Well, I played a Russian ballerina who was a stripper. I got to hang out with real strippers. There was one stunning girl who looked like Xena, Warrior Princess, with enormous knockers. She was stripping to put herself through college to become a mortician.

How bizarre. Ever thought about stripping for real yourself?

I wouldn't have a problem with it. But why should I? When I get my kit of for film companies they pay me a great deal of money. Why would I want to do it in a club?

I don't want to go on about this, but you wouldn't rule it out?

Possibly. I was taken to one place by a director and he bought me a lap dance.

What about male strippers?

They're so tacky.

Well, we can all do that. So, if the second series happens you'll be back in London next year - what are you looking forward to?

I'm hoping the show will be really well known then, so that I can get into those members-only clubs.