Q&A - Lexa Doig


Lexa by sice nechěla být tajnou agentkou, ale líbilo by se jí mít schopnosti počítačového hackera. Kdyby se mohla stát na den neviditelnou vyvedla by asi spoustu rošťáren. Co se týče přívěšků nosících štěstí a podoných věcí má Lexa olíbený náhrdelník a plyšového tučňáka, kterého s sebou všude nosí. Nakonec Lexa popíše i svůj ideální den. Hodně by spala a také asi i nakupovala, jako završení by byla velká večeře (japonská kuchyně) s přáteli.


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InterviewAs a key member of CI5's troubleshooting team in the Sky One series, CI5: The New Professionals, Lexa Doig's character, Tina Backus, gets to avert global disasters on a weekly basis using her considerable computer skills. In reality though, the 26-year-old Canadian likes nothing more adventurous than sleeping and shopping...

Was it difficult playing the only female in the male-dominated CI5?
I never had the feeling I was in a male-only club. If anything, Kal (Weber), Colin (Wells) and Edward (Woodward) were very feminist.

Would you like to have your character's job?
I wouldn't be a secret agent, but I wouldn't mind having the skills to be a computer hacker - that would be kinda neat. I'd love to know the world's secrets.

What was your worst moment on set?
We were filming an episode called Orbit, and Kal Weber played a joke on me with a rubber cockroach and I screamed and cried like a baby. I lost my cool in front of the whole crew.

Which TV shows do you remember from your childhood?
The Dukes of Hazzard - I wanted to be Daisy Duke, she had the cutest little shorts. I liked The A-Team too, and Wonder Woman rocked!

Who are your heroines?
Lynda Carter who played Wonder Woman, and Cat Woman from the comic books. Michelle Pfeiffer did a really good job in the film, but she's no Eartha Kitt!

Who would you cast as yourself in a film of your life?
Someone fine-boned with dark hair and dark eyes. I've been told that I look like Teri Hatcher but I worked with Dean Cain (Hatcher's co-star in Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman) in No Alibi and he never mentioned it.

And your leading man?
There are too many! I think Edward Norton is a phenomenal actor. He's done some very exciting stuff.

If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
I'd probably get into a lot of mischief.

Do you have any good-luck charms that you carry around?
I have a favourite necklace which is important to me. It's a dagger that comes out of its sheath. And I have a penguin cuddly toy that I take with me everywhere - it makes a noise when you squeeze it.

How would you spend your perfect day?
There would be lots of sleep involved and probably some shopping at Harvey Nics and Liberty, as long as money was no object. And a really great dinner, preferably Japanese, with some friends.